piekenius' Blog


Word count: 148Reading time: 1 min

first head

this is a test sentence.

this is another test sentences.

second head

can you switch the row?
i can.

third head

tomorrow i am gonna to do some learning for front programme


forth head

this is a [link] (https://markdown.com.cn/basic-syntax/links.html “markdown”)

i feel the markdown is not quite difficult, and i want to work in damele pizza.
damele pizza is soooooo delicious.

fifth head
int main(){
    printf("i hate wpf");
    let i=0;
    for (let i=0;i<100;i++){
    grid on
    console.log('this is the grammor?grammer?of javascript')

  1. learning of for
  2. mid-term exam
  3. math competition(havent start yet just matlab basical grammer)
  4. english daily learning
  5. saolei game
  6. computer level.2 in december

-nothing but 1

this is a cute image

* use the transform-meaning string.

i am not good at html grammer.

  1. 1. first head
    1. 1.1. second head
      1. 1.1.1. third head
        1. forth head
          1. fifth head